Zebra Agarwood Bracelet
- US$ 15
- Availability: In Stock
Code : ZAB
Size : 16mm
weight : 30gram
Material : Original Agarwood from Bangkani, Kalimantan - Indonesia
Gaharu is a special plant because it gives off smell of aroma therapy so good for health. Gaharu is known in many countries especially Arab, China and other countries in the world which functioned as incense and also aromatherapy bracelet. Quality number one and famous that is agarwood from Kalimantan – Indonesia.
Agarwood beads are believed to disperse negative energy, replace with positive energy,
Protect wearers from evil spirits
Calming energies and reducing stress,
Good for health,
Benefiting the muscles.
Send Format Message
Total PCS/KG + Name Product + Code Product
Name + Addres + Telephone
Example :
3 PCS + Bracelet Agarwood Tarakan + AT
Mr.leon + Faizo Berahim 595 PTD 12364 taman saujana Malaysia + 0129515719
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Website : www.Agarwoodcentral.com
Email : Agarwoodcentral1@gmail.com
Phone : +6285234447225
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